How to identify whether cosmetic packaging is recyclable?

Reducing plastic pollution and helping the environment is becoming more important to the consumers wants and needs within the beauty industry. So what steps do consumers need to follow to recycle correctly and how do they recognize packaging as recyclable? Understanding what is recyclable and how to correctly recycle is knowing the recycling procedures in your local area. The recycling procedures differ between countries and even in districts and areas, they determine everything. Keeping an eye out for the resin identification code (RIC) on the packaging is the beginning of the entire process. These codes identify what grade of plastic your product is made from and how to recycle it, and if it can indeed be recycled in your area. Separate your recyclables if your area program necessitates it, this all comes down to the recycling system in your area, some areas require you to separate your aluminum from your glass and plastic containers whilst other areas have a system that is more advance that sorts mixed materials for you through equipment or assigned staff. Keeping your containers clean and dry is important as they are easier to recycle and it is a cheaper process. Another concern is the cleanliness of recyclables, it is possible to recycle dirty packaging but it is preferred to keep them clean, as it allows a smoother process. opt for recyclable or recycled materials when choosing your products, look for the on-pack recycling label (OPRL). Not all local authorities collect the same material so the recyclability is based on the majority of materials that are collected or not in your area. Unfortunately, the current recycling systems, can be unclear due to labeling, there are variations in recycling programs and inaccurate recycling claims which all make recycling complicated. The Universal Recycling Symbol allows a consumer to know if a product or package is recyclable or was made with recycled materials. However, you need to know your areas guidelines and rules, as each area has different systems and programs. Having a universal recycling label allows a consumer to opt for certain products and then use their communities recycling system to follow through with their aim of creating a better environment against their fight on plastic pollution.

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